31. Jan, 2014


I often wonder how on earth I find the time to go to work, with so many characters vying for my attention. There are so many things that need doing and so many things I just want to do...and all before I start my shift as a nurse, on the ward. It’s almost like living two completely different lives. I AM two people, more perhaps! It’s no wonder we have the potential to develop a STRESSHEAD! And what happens when STRESSHEAD arrives? The TIME SNATCHERS get smug and it all becomes a vicious circle.
Remember; they come in many guises which we should all be aware of. Manage your time and you manage your life and you also escape the Time Snatchers crutches.
Despite the dark mornings, I get up an hour earlier and write. It can be hard at times but harder still if I don’t. My stories would go untold and my characters, who have been lifelong friends, would end their existence in a file marked incomplete!
Oh please don’t get me wrong, I’ve been attacked by STRESSHEAD and jumped upon by THE TIME Snatchers but I’m fighting back with nothing more than an extra hour in the morning! You can fight back too. Try it!

30. Jan, 2014

The first time they saw daylight was when I rescued them!

This is A Chicken called Sandwich....Check out her story on the Small Tales post....Jill
A year has passed and still the stealing goes on! To-day was a good example of this. First a little reminder of where we were a year ago when I began to tell their story.
The first time they ever saw daylight was when I rescued them. It was a late summer evening when a hundred cladly dressed Hippy Chicks filled my beaten up old car. I'm sure they didn't mind, as they were due to be slaughtered. Meanwhile, a friend of mine had just received a delivery of superb looking hens from the Cotswolds. There was no comparison. They were indeed Posh Chicks with every feather intact.
Well time has moved on and I'm delighted to say that all of the hens survived their ordeal and apart from the twenty hens I kept, the rest were re-homed and happy. That's more than I can say about the Posh Chicks down the road.
Sadly, the Time Stealers are always about and they come in many different guises. This time the guise was a fox. You see, timing is very important if you don’t want to lose anything and Posh Chicks were let out too early. It was still dark when the fox attacked....and the rest is history!
Meanwhile, the Hippy Chicks have survived the outdoor life and now have an abundance of feathers. We also have some Posh Chicks these days, but you can hardly tell the difference. They do have a story to tell however, check it out on SMALL TALES page!

29. Jan, 2014

Our Sunday adventure

I love adventures and today we had a perfect one. After seeing to our hens needs, we headed for the beach to check what the high tide left behind. I’m not sure we were prepared for what we saw. With a mixture of high tide and wild winds, the serge of the sea wrecked havoc with the sand dunes leaving an almost unfamiliar beach. As we stumbled across the stones and boulders, once covered by sand, the roar of the waves echoed in the distance. The bones of an old shipwreck were more visible than normal (see above) causing an eerie sort of feeling and I imagined pirates emerging from the sea to claim the gold which, apparently, is hidden even deeper below the sand. Perhaps next time, I’ll get lucky!
Back at the home for waifs and strays, the fire still burns and the hens have enjoyed the wee bit of sun that showed itself. Friends called in and once again, I count my blessings.

28. Jan, 2014

Caught you!

The screams in the night seem to have stopped, but complacency on my part is what the fox is hoping for. But something that hasn’t stopped is the rain!
Despite the bad weather, we managed to do most of the chores, even chopping logs during a hail storm.
A lunch of homemade bread and soup made the prospect of going back out in the rain even harder. However, we did have a visitor from the farm who told us he caught two polecats and released them further afield.....phew! I only hope one of them was our unwanted guest in the little shed.
Mocha continues to roam around the house much to the amusement of the cats. One moment she seems bright and perky and then she sleeps. I guess at 7 years of age, she deserves a nap. A chicken will hide the fact it is ill until usually, it’s too late. Just a little tip!
Darkness is almost upon us but I have noticed the days lengthening....Oh I can’t wait for spring, despite the fact there will be even more work to undertake.